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Organ and Tissue Donation


 Allah taught us that "if anyone saved a life it would be as if he saved the life of the whole humanity" (The Quran 5:32). At any one time approximately 1,500 Australians are on a waiting list waiting for an organ. Children, women, and men of all races and faiths. Many of them will die before an organ becomes available. Many others are reliant upon machines as they wait for the gift of life. One person has the ability to save the lives of approximately 10 people (DonateLife Australia n.d.a).


What does Islam say about organ and tissue donation?

Dr Ibrahim Abu Mohamed, Grand Mufti of Australian National Imams Council, speaks about this in the video from the Australian Government Organ and Tissue Donation Authority.

The position is, "The Muslim faith in Australia places saving a life very highly. It accepts organ donation during life provided it does not harm the donor and sought absolute permission, and after death in order to save a life. It is seen as an act of merit and in certain circumstances may be an obligation" (DonateLife Australia n.d.b).


What do I need to do?

If you wish to become an organ donor you should first speak with your family about your decision. They need to be aware of your wishes. If you wish to donate after your death you should register with the Australian Organ Donation Register. You can never register too early. We should always remember that we do not decide when it is our time. Only Allah decides. It could even be tomorrow. It is very easy to register and can be done through the internet in a few minutes. The link is provided here:


DonateLife Australia n.d.a, Facts and statistics, DonateLife Australia, Canberra, ACT, viewed 10 June 2014, <>

DonateLife Australia n.d.b, Islamic Faith, DonateLife Australia, Canberra, ACT, viewed 10 June 2014, <>

'DonateLife...the greatest gift' for Australians of Islamic faith, 2013, online video, 30 April, created by DonateLife Australia, viewed 10 June 2014, <>

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