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Hijab and Vitamin D Deficiency


What is it?

Vitamin D is an important vitamin that is largely obtained by the body through sunlight contacting the skin. A large proporition of the global population does not get enough Vitamin D due to our increasingly indoor lifestyle. Since Muslim women often cover our bodies when we could be seen by non-mahram men Muslim women have a greatly increased risk of Vitamin D deficiency.


Why does this matter?

WebMD puts it succinctly, "Your body must have vitamin D to absorb calcium and promote bone growth. Too little vitamin D results in soft bones in children (rickets) and fragile, misshapen bones in adults (osteomalacia). You also need vitamin D for other important body functions.Vitamin D deficiency has now been linked to breast cancer, colon cancer, prostate cancer, heart disease, depression, weight gain, and other maladies. These studies show that people with higher levels of vitamin D have a lower risk of disease" (DeNoon 2010).


So what can I do about it?

To get enough vitamin D a person with fair skin needs to expose their face, hands and arms to the sun for approximately 30 minutes. For those with darker skin the time requires is longer. Unfortunately many of us do not have access to an enclosed garden in which it is safe for us to remove our hijab. In such instances there are easy supplements that can be taken. However, you sould speak with your doctor about this as depending on how deficient you are you will require a different amount of the supplement.


Our bodies are a gift from Allah, and we must take care of them to the best of our ability. Ensure that your body has sufficient levels of vitamin D today, so you do not face serious illness in the future.



DeNoon 2010, The truth about vitamin D: why you need vitamin D, WebMD, USA, viewed 7 May 2014, <>

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